London Homes: Top 10 Tips on How to Stay Cool During Heatwaves?

1st July 2023
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London is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and iconic landmarks. However, it is also notorious for its occasional heatwaves during the summer months. As temperatures rise, staying cool becomes a top priority for Londoners. As the temperature rises and heatwaves become more frequent, it's crucial to know how to beat the heat and keep your home comfortable. In this article, we will provide you with ten essential tips on how to keep your London home cool and beat the heat during those scorching summer days.

  1. Optimise Your Home's Insulation

Proper insulation is key to maintaining a cool indoor environment during heatwaves. Ensure that your home is well-insulated to minimise heat transfer from outside. Consider installing insulation materials in your walls, attic, and floors to create a thermal barrier. This will help keep the hot air out and the cool air in, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning.


  1. Utilise Window Treatments

Windows play a significant role in heat gain and loss. During the day, close your curtains, blinds, or shades to block out direct sunlight. Opt for light-coloured or reflective window treatments to reflect heat away from your home. Alternatively, you can invest in blackout curtains or solar shades that offer excellent insulation and reduce solar heat gain.


  1. Upgrade Your Cooling System

If your current cooling system is outdated or inefficient, it may struggle to combat the intense heatwaves. Consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient air conditioning unit that can cool your home quickly and effectively. Look for models with a high energy efficiency rating (EER) to reduce electricity consumption while keeping your home comfortably cool.


  1. Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system is crucial for optimal performance during heatwaves. Schedule professional inspections to clean the filters, coils, and ducts. Additionally, check your thermostat settings to ensure they are accurate and programme it to higher temperatures when you're away to save energy. A well-maintained system will operate efficiently and keep your home cool throughout the summer.

  1. Create Natural Ventilation

Harness the power of natural ventilation to cool your home during cooler evenings or early mornings. Open windows and use window fans strategically to draw in fresh air and facilitate cross-ventilation. By creating a natural airflow, you can circulate cool air and expel warm air, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature without solely relying on air conditioning.


  1. Opt for Energy-Efficient Lighting

Incandescent bulbs generate a significant amount of heat and can contribute to a warmer indoor environment. Replace them with energy-efficient LED bulbs, which emit less heat and consume less electricity. Not only will this help to keep your home cooler, but it will also reduce your energy bills.


  1. Utilise Heat-Reducing Techniques

Incorporate heat-reducing techniques into your daily routine to minimise heat generation inside your home. Avoid using heat-generating appliances during the hottest parts of the day. Instead, opt for cold meals or use smaller kitchen appliances like microwaves or slow cookers. Additionally, consider switching to energy-efficient appliances that produce less heat, such as inverter refrigerators or induction cooktops.



  1. Seek Shade and Use Fans

When the sun is at its peak and temperatures are soaring, it's important to seek shade and create a cool oasis within your home. Position your furniture away from direct sunlight and use curtains or blinds to block out intense rays. Consider setting up outdoor umbrellas or awnings to provide shade in your garden or balcony area.


In addition to shade, fans can be a lifesaver during heatwaves. Place portable fans strategically around your home to promote air circulation and create a refreshing breeze. Ceiling fans are also a great investment as they help distribute cool air throughout the room. Make sure your fans are clean and in good working condition for optimal performance.


  1. Create a Cool Sleeping Environment

Getting a good night's sleep during heatwaves is essential for your overall well-being. Ensure your bedroom is a cool and comfortable sanctuary. Use light, breathable bedding such as cotton sheets and lightweight blankets. If possible, invest in a cooling mattress topper or pillows that help regulate body temperature.


Consider using a dehumidifier to reduce excess moisture in the air, as high humidity can make it more difficult to stay cool. Keep your bedroom well-ventilated by opening windows or using a fan. If the nights are still too warm, try placing a bowl of ice in front of a fan to circulate cooler air.



Staying cool during heatwaves in London is possible with the right strategies and preparations. By optimising your home's insulation, utilising window treatments, upgrading your cooling system, and incorporating natural ventilation, you can create a comfortable environment even in scorching temperatures. Additionally, implementing heat-reducing techniques, staying hydrated, and following cooling tips will help you beat the heat and stay healthy.

Remember to stay informed, prepare in advance, and take care of yourself and your loved ones during heatwaves.

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